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Chess Problems

Here is the list of chess problems which I composed and published in magazines or used to participate in competitions.  Solutions are at the bottom of this page.


This is helpmate in 3 moves (h#3). Helpmate means that black and white cooperate to put black king in mate position. Black moves first and in the third move white mates. There is a twin problem if we move white pawn from h2 to d3.


Next is helpmate in 2 moves with 2 solutions. There is also twin problem if white king is on d6.


This is helpmate in 2 moves with 2 twins. It is quite nice one. If you find the solution for the first one, the other two twins will be easy.


The next is probably my best problem. Aristocratic position (no pawns) and 2 very clean and symmetric solutions.


This one is orthodox mate in 2 (two-mover). Thema for competition was “white king in check” which unfortunately doesn’t make problem very aesthetic.


Next two-mover is quite nice. It implements theme called Zagoruyko.


Finally, one winning three-mover with thematic knight moves.


















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