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About Me

profilnaI’m Nikola Petkovic, software engineer, interested in distributed and understandable software systems which reduce accidental complexity and empower domain experts to actively engage in solution design. There is a big abstraction gap that software is bridging and ideas like Domain Driven Design, Functional Programming, Domain Specific Languages, Intentional Programming, Stream Processing, Event Sourcing and few others offer a hope to create more understandable systems. However, even if we know how we want to organize the system, it is of great importance to understand the capabilities and constrains of underlying technology used for implementation. To build enterprise scale solutions we have to enter the world of distributed systems which are, simply, hard. However, in the last decade, we witnessed huge advancement in distributed scalable databases and processing frameworks which could serve as a giants on whose shoulders we would like to build our solutions.Even if there are no definite answers and design is often closer to art than to science, I still find it enjoyable to play with these concepts.I live in Stuttgart area in Germany and work as a software engineer in Order Management domain. I also used to work on one medium sized ERP system developing features in Ordering and Manufacturing domains. I am engaged in coding, technical design and discussions with business users on a daily basis. In free time, when not biking, playing chess, watching movies or something else, I often enjoy good technical book.

I would be happy to hear from you. You can leave a comment or write to me at:Email: firstname at firstname dash lastname dot com

My LinkedIn profile

My student projects (up to 2010)

Collection of chess problems I composed

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